3 Secrets To Thinking Bigger

There is a science behind thinking bigger and it’s healthy for you to do so. Let’s have a look at 3 important secrets of Thinking Bigger. Like most things in mindset things don’t happen by accident. There are skills involved and those skills can be learnt. Let’s have a look at the details and get you to Think Bigger!

Thinking Bigger Secret 1: Expand Your Beliefs Around What’s Possible in Life

Most of us feel that we have a limit. We have an idea in our minds of what feels about normal for us to achieve, to receive and to do in life. Anything beyond that just feels unattainable or something reserved only for those with the best of luck.

However, what many people don’t realize is that their own beliefs are causing them to be held back. By holding on to the belief that there is only a certain amount they can achieve or attain, people unintentionally hold themselves back from achieving their wildest dreams. They watch other people achieve things and believe they could never do the same. They think about what they would love to do but, without even truly knowing why, believe they will never do it. 

By expanding your beliefs around what’s possible in life, your whole mindset and view can change. You will also find that you are achieving more and breaking down your own internal barriers. Some which you never even realized you had.

Think about what you believe 

A good first step is to stop and analyse why you believe what you believe. Ask yourself the following questions:

Is this what you have been taught?

Is it because you’ve just never thought anything else?

Have people told you this must be the case? 

When you understand why you have your current beliefs, you can then think about how to overcome these barriers and blockages to achieving your dreams. 

Discover new beliefs

Not all new beliefs will be good for you, and you will find that many new things don’t resonate with you at all and you struggle to adopt them. However, discovering new beliefs and ideas can help you to develop your own understanding and have a clearer idea of what you actually think and believe. 

Visiting new places, speaking to people with different viewpoints, reading different books , and seeing what other people have to say are all ways to discover new beliefs and challenge your own. 

Commit to rethinking your approach

Depending on how long you’ve held the views you’re trying to change, you might find it difficult to commit to trying anything new. If you’ve figured out now that you want to change your views, you’ll also need to challenge and change your approach to things. After all, if you can do anything you want to – it’s time to try something different.

Thinking Bigger: Expand Your Beliefs Around What’s Possible in Life
Limiting Beliefs Post It

Thinking Bigger Secret 2: Find Purpose in Your Goals

Purpose is something that people all over the world are constantly searching for. Why are we here, and what should we be doing? What’s the point of it all? Many people have goals. Either set by themselves or as a result of their job and other things in their lives. Not all goals feel as though they have a purpose – this may be something you can relate to. If you don’t feel a sense of purpose in your goals, here are some of the things you can do. 

Stop and think

Many people don’t know what the purpose of their lives or their goals is simply because they never stop for long enough to think about it. Life moves so quickly, and some people with busy lives never seem to stop – work, their families, their social lives, a business, the gym, managing their finances, looking after the children, plus other day-to-day necessities – it can feel like the pause button is never pressed.

In order to find purpose, you need to think about it. Why have you set yourself these goals or where have they come from? Do you believe in your goals or are you doing it simply because you think you should or have to? This is often the first step to deciding whether your goals are the right ones, and where to find purpose. 

Don’t focus exclusively on one thing 

If you only focus on achieving one goal, other parts of your life may suffer. For example, focusing too much on your work goals could mean that you forget your health goals and your overall health and wellbeing suffers. Therefore, it’s important to consider your goals in a holistic manner. Thinking more about what you can achieve to better yourself overall than just getting better in one particular area. This will give you the best chance at maintaining a positive mindset. It will also allow you to look for the purpose in your goals. 

Be open-minded

Your mindset will play a huge part in how and if you find purpose in your goals. If you’re open-minded, you’ll be able to see the bigger picture. You will also be able to take your time to see beyond the short term. This can really help with finding purpose in what you’re doing since you will see everything as being linked to something bigger and better – everything is a step towards the next goal. 

Thinking Bigger Secret 3: Focus on Your Big Goals in Life

With so much going on in the world, it can be difficult to stay focused on your big goals. World events could affect you. Things happening in your family or at work, or anxiety, depression and other mental health problems which can take your focus away from other things. Sometimes you may wonder what the secrets are to staying focused on your big goals and achieving them – like many people successfully do.

Learn what distracts you or makes you anxious 

Two of the big reasons for a lack of focus on your big goals are: 

  • Too many distractions and other factors arising which take your mind away from your big goals
  • Anxieties and worries around other things in your life, or things related to achieving your goals 

If you feel you can relate to this, you should consider how to minimise distractions. You should also minimise stresses and worries as much as possible. Some people find that coming off social media or avoiding spending time with negative people can be a great step in combating distractions and anxieties. This frees up more time for you to focus on your big goals, while not filling your mind too much with negativity and stress. 

Create new habits

Depending on what your big goals are will depend on the type of habits you should develop. It has been proven that the more we get into good habits and have good routines, the easier it becomes to stick with them and achieve our aims. 

If you need to study a lot to achieve your big goals, find the times during the day when you are most productive. Get into a habit of doing most of your work at these times. 

If you need to be physically active and push yourself to achieve your goals, find the days and times when you have the most energy and feel motivated to work out and train. 

Take preventative measures to look after yourself

In order to stay focused on anything, you need to feel healthy and well. This applies to both your physical and mental health. Rather than waiting until you’re unwell to start taking the necessary measures, you should seek to prevent it as much as possible. Maintain a healthy balanced diet and spend time with positive people. Ensure you have the vitamins you need, and get some regular exercise. 


Now that you know the above you can see that thinking bigger is a skill.

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